Environment Improvement

Support for Work-Life Balance

  • Research Support Personnel System

Support staff will be assigned to help researchers with life events that may interfere with research, such as pregnancy, child delivery, childcare, and the nursing care of family members.

  • Babysitter Subsidies
  • Support for working at home

Researchers choosing to work from home will be provided with computers with webcams.


Effort towards Support for Work-Life Balance

We will establish a personnel plan that each department will implement to employ a certain level of female researchers. The top three departments that best fulfill these goals will receive the Allowance to Maintain Research Environment for Diversity.


Counseling Service for Women

The Center offers counseling opportunities to female researchers, staff, and students to help them resolve any worries or problems they may have.

  • Counseling for Women in Research

Provides female researchers and researchers-to-be with a counseling service regarding the problems they face in continuing their research.

  • Mentoring Scheme (Female only)

Provides female researchers with opportunities to consult with senior researchers about the various problems they face in continuing their research.

  • Counseling for foreign faculty members

Provides non-native Japanese speaking faculty members with a counseling service regarding leading a fruitful life as a researcher.


University-wide awareness reform

The Center implements initiatives to promote understanding of female researchers continuing their work.

  • Role model seminar and Role model café

Provides talks by female role models who play an active part in society, and to investigate possibilities for various career paths.

  • Issues “Role model book”

A collection of biographies and messages from female researchers and/or women taking a significant role in society who graduated from OPU.

  • Promotes our programs among OPU community
  • Actively promotes our efforts to the public (i.e. Nikkei Womenomics Forum, Osaka Prefecture, Role model book)
  • “Meeting to End at Five” Campaign
  • Establish the role model bank (database)
  • Registered as a gender equality promotion support organization (Osaka Prefecture Initiative) and a childcare support organization (Sakai City Initiative)
  • Received the certificate of “Osaka city female employees leading company” from Osaka City